Asset Planning, Family and Succession

As relevant as the assembling of a substantial group of assets through successful business, is sustaining the accumulated wealth in a secure basis, which will provide fruition, perpetuity and profitability through time.

Legal structuring in corporate, family and inheritance dimensions of one´s group of assets is absolutely mandatory as far as wealth management goes. It´s the only fashion through which one can bring in the stability and governance level demanded to the unconcerned enjoyment of the gathered wealth.

Complex and intertwined relations develop around the individual in all dimensions: inside and outside corporations, with shareholders, with creditors and debtors; in marriage and between partners; between relatives; with heirs and successors in general. All of these are sources of substantial contingency that potentially could build upon the once secured wealth, not only eroding the stability of the asset base, but also draining its financial value.

In this context, the legal structuring of one´s wealth lays a secure and stable basis over which, bound by rules laid forth by the individual will of the proprietor, his personal relations should develop, without putting at risk the gathered assets. Neutralizing undesirable contingency, legal counseling in this area brings financial value to one´s wealth, while helping keep an harmonious and restful atmosphere around one´s daily and personal living.

Additionally, the client who finds himself already in a scenario of risk and potential dispute over his assets demands legal assistance in the highest level, as required for due protection of his possessions.

Our firm relies on a multidisciplinary team that comprises not only attorneys with expertise in the family and succession legal areas, but also in corporate and tax law, all driven to address the client´s needs in these matters.