
Legal areas: Tax
Grafuate of the Law School of Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1983

Graduate of the Law School of Universidade Católica de Salvador, 1989
Postgraduate in Civil Procedure of the Fundação Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1997

Languages:English and Spanish.

Graduate of the Law School of Salvador Catholic University, 1998.

Postgraduate in Tax Law of the Law School of São Paulo Catholic University (PUC-SP), 2002.

Master´s Degree in Tax Law from the Law School of São Paulo Catholic University (PUC-SP), 2007.

LL.M. degree from the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (LMU), Germany, 2015.

PhD candidate in Tax Law from the Law School of the São Paulo University (USP).

Former Vice-Director of the Superior Attorney School of the Brazilian Bar Association – Bahia State Section (ESA-BA).

Former in-house counsel at Natura Cosméticos S.A. in São Paulo, Brazil.

Researcher of the Society and Technology Studies Center from the Polytechnic School of the São Paulo University (CEST, Poli-USP).

Visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich Germany.

Languages:English, Spanish, Italian and German.

Graduate of the Law School of Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1990

Specialist in Civil Law, Faculty of Law Foundation of Bahia, in 1997

Languages:English, Spanish, Italian and French.

Legal areas: Contracts, Litigation
Graduate of the Law School of Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia, 2006

Postgraduate in Civil Procedure of the Juspodium


Legal areas: Litigation
Graduate of the Law School of Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2010

Legal areas: Litigation
Graduate of the Law School of Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2013.

Language: English.

Legal areas: Tax, Corporate, Litigation
Graduate of the Law School of Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2013.

Language: English.